8 things that can make a woman sexually unattractive

Sociologists are constantly conducting poles on relations between a male and a woman. According to the recent research on the topic «What turns men off women» in which several dozen thousands of men took part, sociologists exposed 8 main factors which make women sexually unattractive for men. What are these factors?

1. Unpleasant smell
This is referred to any smell. This can be smell of body, clothes or breath. By the way, if you use too much perfume, men will also not like this much.

2. General negligence
Neglected appearance also plays initial role and doesn’t help girls. They should have in order at least manicure, make-up and shoes.

3. Excessive hairiness
Unexpected but quite understandable factor which completely pushes off modern men. Maybe 100-200 years ago things were different but temporary tendencies, trends and fashion show themselves.

4. Excessive weight
Different men love different women, both plump and slim. However, women with really excessive weight don’t attract many men.

5. Knowledge on how to behave
Correct behaviour in public means a lot for men. Gait, bearing, poise and manner of greetings, gestures, first pronounced phrases, volume and tone of voice… All these are peculiarities which attract male’s attention.

6. Smoking
This is quite a logical and explainable factor. Smoking women (and men too!) are not too attractive for anyone.

7. Lack of sense of humour
Men connect sense of humour and intelligence. You shouldn’t know much about theory of strength of materials or nuclear physics but being absolutely dumb is impermissible.

8. Obsessiveness with appearance
Paradox: men want to see tidy women but hate when they spend too much time at the mirror, in shops and in beauty salons. Happy medium is taking care of themselves but not to pin-point it. A man shouldn’t know how many times a month you make manicure or have your hair cut.


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